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37 Interesting Disney Movie Details That is Enough to Make You Surprised



People have watched Disney movies countless times. But still, there are many new things about them. Some learn a new thing in the movie, that might not catch the attention of others. And that was at its peak in the 2000s when Disney movies were popular among kids. Here is the list of most interesting Disney movie details from the 2000s. 

  1. The Princess Diaries (2001)

In a scene, while shooting The Princess Diaries (2001), Anna Hathaway fell into bleachers by accident. This accident was not in the script, but it was so hilarious and interesting that Director Gary Marshall decided to keep this scene in the movie. 

  1. Up (2009)

In the movie Up (2009), Carl chooses to wear a bow tie as he does not know how to tie a tie without Ellie by his side.

  1. Monsters, Inc. (2001)

At the end of Monster, Inc. (2001), Sully said that laughter is way more powerful than scream. In the start, the yellow canisters are more huge in size than their competitors.

  1.  Lillo and Stitch (2004)

In Lillo and Stitch (2004), Disney + has an edited version in which Lillo is seen hiding behind a pizza box rather than a dryer. So that, there is no harm inflicted by the children watching the movie.

  1.  The Emperor’s New Groove (2005)

In the movie The Emperor’s New Groove (2005), Kronk asked Yzma to not drink the wine as it is poison. She then poured the wine into the cactus, when the scene goes further, the cactus changed into llama-shaped cactus.

  1. Enchanted (2007)

In the scene, That’s how you know, some dancers actually played Chimney sweeps in the Mary Poppins (1964). 

  1. In Spirited Away (2001)

In Spirited Away (2001), a jingle is heard when No-Face saw Chihiro. It keeps on repeating every time she appears to gain her attention. When they become friends, it was not heard anymore that he has not that interest in r now.

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of Black Pearl (2003)

In Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of Black Pearl (2003), an Elvish tattoo of Orlando Bloom is visible. He got this for the movie series The Lord of Rings.

  1. Holes (2003)

In Holes (2003), the boat Mary Lou’s color changes in the other scene. At first, its color is faded and old but then it appears as blue faded color.

  1. Finding Nemo (2003)

In the movie, Bruce starts crying when Marlin was talking about Nemo. He was crying because the male shark did not stay with the female shark after mating. So actually, shark babies never see their father.

  1. The Incredibles (2004)

In The Incredibles movie; Bomb voyage resorts towards crime. Then, in the movie Ratatouille, he is seen as the mime in Paris. The coincidence makes sense as both movies are directed by the same person. 

  1. Freaky Friday (2013)

In one of the scenes in Freaky Friday, Lindsay Lohan’s character played the guitar solo as her mother inside Jamie Lee Curtis. Interestingly, Curtis knows and learns how to play guitar in real life.

  1. Bolt (2008)

In the movie Bolt, the tag of the Bolt has the address. That address is actually sane as the address of the Animation building of Disney.

  1. Wall- E (2008)

In Wall- E, when the electricity strikes. The Wall- E holds the electricity and the battery gets charged to the full. 

  1. Chicken Little (2005)

In the movie Chicken Little, it is seen that yellow and red chickens have an orange-colored child. 

  1. An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)

In the movie, An Extremely Goofy Movie looks like he is a college student who is a kind of assistant to Big Foot.

  1. In Tuck Everlasting (2002)

In this movie, Foster’s clock is working fine and running but Tucks’ clocks are not working and are covered with a lot of dust. That signifies that Tuck is frozen in time along with the clock.

  1. Cars (2006)

In the movie Cars (2006), when Macqueen was entering the court. There was a sign above him that says; The way of justice is paved with the truth. 

  1.  National Treasure (2004)

In this movie, Ben’s grandfather’s eye appears on top of the pyramid to create the eye of providence.

  1. In Lion King (2004)

In Lion King 1, a hidden mickey mouse can be seen on the right in the sky.

  1. Finding Nemo (2003)

In Finding Nemo, the dentist got the degree from Pixar’s school of dentistry. 

  1. Enchanted (2007)

In the Enchanted movie (2007), the office in which Robert works says; “Churchill, Harley, and Smith”. It is named after the songwriters of Snow White and seven dwarfs (2007).

  1. Atlantis (The Lost Empire)- 2001

In the movie Atlantis (The Lost Empire), the fish makes the same face as the milo.

  1. In Princess Diaries (2001)

In the movie, it was seen during dinner that only Mia’s plate has tomatoes. That’s because according to books, she is a vegetarian.

  1. 102 Dalmatians (2000)

At the start of 102 Dalmatians, when Cruella De Vil was in jail, her cap shows the prison number 6600. 

  1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

In The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe movie, the crown of the white witch reduces in size later, which shows losing the power. 

  1. The Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement (2004)

Stan Lee appeared in this movie, making it his non marvel cameo appearance in The Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement. 

  1. High School Musical 2 (2007)

Miley Cyrus made an appearance at the end credits of High School Musical 2, the end song was named Girl at Pool.

  1. Ratatouille ( 2007)

In Ratatouille, the blinds of Ben’s office are closed. But after the meal, they are opened as he looks outside with deep thoughts.

  1. Treasure Planet (2002) 

In the movie Treasure Planet, the ship is named RLS Legacy. That is based on the writer of the novel on which the movie is based, the writer’s name was Robert Louis Stevenson.

  1. Pirates of The Caribbean, The Dead Man’s Chest (2006)

In the movie, when Gibbs asked Norrington what is his story, he said that same as his story but one chapter behind it. After that, he was thrown into the same place where Gibbs was found at the end of the black pearl. 

  1. Remember the Titans (2000)

In the movie, when coach Ben asked the players what is pain, they said French bread. Le pain is the French name for bread. 

  1. Monsters, Inc.  (2001)

Mary Gibbs who played boo in the movie was so young that it was not possible to have her sit in the room. But instead, they just follow her and cut the lines to use random words, etc.

  1. The Incredibles (2004)

At Helen and Par’s wedding, the superhero heroes stand in the second row., they were Thunderhead, Stretogayle, Metaman, and Dynegy.

  1. Meet the Robinsons (2007)

In the movie, Wilber says who is Mr. Robinson looks like as he is different. Then the portrait appears on the screen according to the dubbing of the movie. In the English dub, there appears Tom Selleck and looks different according to the regions.

  1. Atlantis (The Lost Empire) 2001

In this movie, when the members go above the surface of the water, everyone got a unique crystal. When they return, every crystal was changed into a beautiful jewel. 

  1. The Princess and the Frog (2009)

In the movie, The Princess and the Frog, Dr. Faciliar reads the present, past, and future of the movie characters in the start by the cards on the table.

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