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TV And Movie Moments So Funny, The Actors Had Trouble Saying Them With A Straight Face



Sometimes the humor in TV and movie series is so high that it’s incredible the actors can even maintain their composure. But bloopers show that sometimes they don’t.

Here are a few amusing TV and film scenes where the actors couldn’t stop laughing, often spoiling take after take.


Jerry Seinfeld admitted that the scene where a “library cop” questions him about a book he didn’t return was “the hardest scene to film on Seinfeld without laughing” in 2021.

He was asking me about a book in my own flat, and it was just so ridiculous. I couldn’t stop laughing,” Seinfeld admitted.”

We shot that scene approximately eight times, so that’s what you see. I botched that one up horribly, so we assembled the parts that did work.

This Is 40

Melissa McCarthy’s character yells at and threatens Leslie Mann, Paul Rudd, and Joanne Baron in a hilarious This Is 40 scene.

However, McCarthy stated things that did not add in the final cut, as an expanded version of the sequence that plays during the credits reveals.

Additionally, Mann and Rudd were unable to maintain their composure.

The Good Place

Shawn, who is always evil, refuses to cooperate with the gang, and Jason says that Shawn has “changed” in one of Jason’s best lines from “The Good Place.” 

Bloopers, however, show that the cast struggled to keep from laughing throughout the sentence.

According to Mark Schur, the program’s creator, the performers laughed at the line “for three and a half minutes” straight. Ted Danson reportedly sobbed from laughter.

The Good Place

And when Shawn does decide to collaborate with them, he amusingly tries to tell his subordinates this.

As you can see, the actor who played Shawn, Marc Evan Jackson, also struggled to get through the line because he kept laughing at his own attempts to gag and struggle.

Parks and Recreation

The Parks and Recreation actors performed a lot of improvs, but not all of them made it into the final product.

Consider the following scene, where Andy and April are seeing the doctor, and Andy is voicing a number of worries.

Andy says more in the scene’s bloopers, including this hilarious quip about “wiping a marker.” It’s so funny that Aubrey Plaza, who plays April, had to turn away from the camera before finally giving up and giggling as the rest of the cast joins in.

Parks and Recreation

Similarly, Retta was unable to finish this scene with Ben Schwartz, who portrayed Jean-Ralphio, in which he shares their plans for the club.

Parks and Recreation

One more Parks and Recreation example: In a later episode, Craig makes an amusing announcement about how his young friend drove him to work (despite being underage and unable to drive). 

The scene was much lengthier in the bloopers, where the other performers repeatedly prodded Craig to speak the sentence. Except for one thing: They can’t all maintain a straight face.

Stranger Things

Due to his irritation with Mike and El’s actions, Hopper decides to tell Mike that his grandma is ill and that he needs to return home right now in a scene from Season 2 of Stranger Things.

The scene is funny since it is clear that Mike’s grandmother and Hopper are simply being themselves, but David Harbour seemed to think it MUCH funnier than anybody else.

He struggled to speak the words “It’s your grandma,” which caused his young castmates to start laughing as well.

Better Call Saul

Bette Call Saul is a serious show but there is a hilarious scene in Season 2 where Saul uses Kim’s finger to brush his teeth.

Then he says, “Wait till you see what I floss with,” and it makes Kim laugh. She replied to a fan on Twitter and said that her laugh was real in that scene.

And she laughed at every single take of that scene.

The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith Show is an old example but there was a scene that had to take 20 times. Because Don Knotts could not keep a straight face.

In the final edit, he keeps it together but you can see him laughing.

The Andy Griffith Show
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