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Sarcastic Quotes For Annoying Boss Or Colleague In Office 



How do survive office politics? I believe that you should always “tantricize” an environment – otherwise you may end up getting stuck in the middle. Tantalizing means to move with the energy without riding against it. In other words, you and I might need to be alert, but we shouldn’t get high on our opinions or try to prove who is right and who is wrong ALL of the time. One needs to understand that “office politics” is unavoidable.

Sarcastic Quotes For Boss

  • “I nominate my bitch boss for tribute in the hunger games.”
  • “Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says ‘Go!’ – a leader says ‘Let’s go!”
  • “A boss creates fear, leader confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.’
  • “The hardest job in the world is having to listen to you complain about having the hardest job in the world.”
  • “Please try to schedule meetings around my job interviews.”
  • “I send pointless emails late at night to impress coworkers.”
  • “Thanks for taking my advice after someone else give it to you.”
  • “I wish we worked together so we could hate the same coworkers.”
  • “Let’s spend countless hours preparing for a meeting that will be delayed, canceled, or misrepresented.”
  • “I have a co-worker who knows everything. Let me connect you.”

Sarcastic Quotes For Workplace

  • “If your job is to tell me how to do my job, you should at least know how to do my job.”
  • “Dear Co-worker, Yes please continue to talk incessantly even though I’m doing everything I can to avoid making eye contact with you.”
  • “Bad managers don’t listen to their employees, because it makes them feel insecure when they find that employees are smarter than themselves.”
  • “You are a piece of work and by “work” I mean shit.”
  • “I’d appreciate you not complaining to me about your job until I have a job to complain about.”
  • “Nothing brightens up a room like your absence.”
  • “Please submit your ideas to me today so I can submit them as my own tomorrow.”
  • “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
  • “I’m sorry. I was listening until, out of nowhere, I became distracted by this loud, obnoxious noise that turned out to be your voice.”
  • “There’s no better vacation than my boss being on vacation.”

Sarcastic Quotes On Office Politics

  • “Sometimes I have my headphones in at work with nothing playing so I don’t have to interact with chatty co-workers.”
  • “We’re all going to really miss doing your work for you.”
  • “I should get an award for how I’ve managed to not punch you in the face every time I see you.”
  • “I’d have better people skills if I worked with better people.”
  • “I need to lower the standard I set myself to match the level of competency of some of the f***tards I work with.”
  • “We acknowledge that there is no ‘I’ in team, but there is definitely a ‘U’ in cunt.”
  • “You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We’ll train you.”
  • “Leaving the office for lunch is the new vacation day.”
  • “I think I heard you say, ‘Blah, blah, blah, blah”. Is that correct?
  • “Appearing busy to avoid being laid off has become more exhausting than actually working.”
  • “I can barely wait to take credit for your great ideas.”

Bad Attitude Boss Quotes

  • “I wake up with a good attitude every day. Then idiots happen.”
  • “I work so I can afford the amount of alcohol required to continue going to work.”
  • “Dear Co-workers, Yes, please continue to talk incessantly even though I’m doing everything I can to avoid making eye contact with you.”
  • “The only significant difference between work and hell is probably that I would like more people in Hell.”
  • “Congratulations on getting promoted to the job you’re already doing.”
  • “The mountain of paperwork on my desk makes me envy the trees that died to produce it.”
  • “I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.”
  • “I’m going to miss having you around to blame for the quality of my work.”
  • “I actively avoid office politics by hating everybody equally.”

Annoying Coworker Quotes

  • “When you don’t do it, you’re lazy. When your boss doesn’t do it, he’s too busy.”
  • “I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.”
  • “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps.”
  • “It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care.”
  • “It’s so quiet in the office today, I can hear myself not working.”
  • “Everybody brings joy to this office… some when they enter, some when they exit.”
  • “Always remember that the toes you step on today could be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.”
  • “The reward for good work is more work.”
  • “Sometimes doing a good job at work is like wetting your pants in a dark suit – you get a warm feeling, but nobody else notices.”

Sarcastic Work Quotes

  • “Pride, commitment, and teamwork are words they use to get you to work for free.”
  • “Office politics – you have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play them better than anyone else.”
  • “Some people work harder at getting the office temperature right than they do at their actual job.”
  • “Ever notice that those who whine the loudest are usually the ones who contribute the least?”
  • “No, I can’t come to work today, you sucked all the life from me yesterday.”
  • Whenever someone says they did something “Like A Boss”. I assume that means they didn’t do anything at all and are just taking all the credit for it… Just saying.
  • “Let’s treat the hardworking employees like crap and give the lazy ones a blue ribbon for showing up.”
  • “Always remember that the toes you step on today could be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow”
  • “I should be given an award for keeping my mouth shut when there is so much that needs to be said.”
  • “I know, I know… I stood up for myself. Go ahead & pretend to be the victim now, you do it so well.”

Short Sarcastic Work Quotes

  • “You really think you did nothing wrong? Bless your delusional heart.”
  • “Keep talking about me… you are proving my point of what an obsessive psycho you are.”
  • “How are you getting on with your new line manager? He’s a fucking cunt.”
  • “People think because you tolerate them at work you are friends… Negative Bitch, I’m just trying to keep my job!”
  •  “You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We’ll train you.”
  • “Some people work harder at getting the office temperature right than they do at their actual job.”
  • “Ever notice that those who whine the loudest are usually the ones who contribute the least?
  • “Co-workers are like Christmas lights. They all hang together but half of them don’t work and the other half aren’t so bright.”
  • “Could you please interrupt me again, with another irrelevant story to interject into a conversation that I was not having with you?”
  • “I just wanted to let you know how much my soul has died since I started working here.”

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What I should learned about office politics?

An office is a place where people spend a great deal of time doing work. If you want to make your co-workers happy, take some time out of every day to have fun together. Often people don’t realize how important it can be for relationship mending to hang out and socialize with your work colleagues on a personal level away from the office. Such activities can help relieve any tension you might have toward others so that when you return to working together, it will be easier to do so simply because there is no longer that cloud of hate around you!

How do you get rid of office politics? 

This is a very common question and one that can easily be answered with a few different techniques. 

  • Office politics can be an issue at many the companies around the world – especially if there isn’t a management system in place that directly focuses on eliminating these issues at work. 
  • If a workplace manager is not ensuring that he or she is doing everything possible to reduce office politics within the company, this can quickly take a toll on all members of the organization because most of their time is spent conversing with others every day.
  • This may have something to do with your decision not to start up your own new business or it could even be related to another soul searching aspect of life you’re dealing with at this current point of time that’s making you unhappy with your current situation.
  • Avoid gossiping about individuals in the company and other teams.  
  • People cause office politics within the workplace by discussing matters that make everyone uncomfortable, which has nothing to do with actual work and more to do with personal problems. 
  • We know it can be hard but try your best to prevent office politics from being an issue at your company, it may be best to never talk about others unless they have specifically given you permission over something

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